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Top Reasons to Use Schema Markup

Using markup is a revolutionary way to maximize search engine optimization marketing projects for a company. While there are many solutions and products available to help companies manage their search engine optimization endeavors, Schema offers a variety of categories that businesses can use to best maximize the return on each SEO dollar spent. This in turn leads to greater visibility of the company’s name on sites like Yelp, Google, Bing, and Yahoo, which in turn will drive more traffic to the company’s respective website.

The initiative was created and introduced by a number of search engines, including Yahoo, Bing, and Google, to ensure a common structure for data on webpages. Since the three companies control over 90% of the search engine market, this common protocol allows webmasters to better tailor their websites to a standard protocol if they want to be seen on all three search engines. Furthermore, before the initiative was released, the search engine results were simple hyperlink results. Nowadays, results can include rich content like photos and reviews on the search engine result. example of image

Additional benefits include standard markups and categories that webmasters can use to classify their content and webpages. For example, classifications that webmasters can use include events, organizations, reviews, offers, products, and images. Thus, each category has its own methodology for sorting results based on search terms. Also, uses a standardized microdata (check out what this is in Webmasters Tools) format when organizing search results. This in turn gives webmasters greater control over how to structure the website and greater foresight into what kind of designs will work and what designs will not. Of course not every webmaster has to use the protocols, but those who do not run the risk of not having their websites properly shown on the search results. This, in turn, could lead to less visibility and less traffic.

So with over 90% of search engines adopting this markup methodology it’s pretty clear that Schema is something to play very close attention to.

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